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March 2010 Newsletter
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Releasing the Art and Creativity of Heaven 
workshop for your church, group, or conference

For more information, contact me at janice@jvcartworks.com

\"A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something."
frank capra





"Just as the living Word comes alive with each reading, a painting becomes 'living art' as the viewer receives fresh revelation from the Creator."
janice vancronkhite



"All in all, the creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world."
marcel duchamp

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In the grip of His supernatural love

Supernatural Love
Often I receive emails that close with "In His Grip." That's caused me to wonder what it actually means to be held in the grip of the love of God.

Paul said he was overpowered and held like a vise by the love of Christ that compels us (2 Cor. 5:14). This gripping love has set us free to love extravagantly. The standard of love that He has called us to can only be lived and expressed by His supernatural power, by the living Creator growing, maturing within us. The universe was created and exists by this supernatural love, the same love that He has planted in us to bring heaven to earth today.

Totally surrendering to the amazing love of Christ is the only thing that will bear fruit in our lives. It will leave the mark of God's presence and power and not draw attention to our own.

And that is truly supernatural!

Do you have a life changing dream or vision?

God communicates with us through dreams that can greatly impact our future and destiny, as well as our family and the world. It's exciting to hear about the dreams so many of you are having and I have been given the opportunity to put some of those dreams on canvas for your continuing encouragement and remembrance.

The Crown and The Conquest are two such commissioned pieces based on life-changing and healing dreams.

The CrownThe Conquest


Run with the Horses was commissioned by a church in Oklahoma and expresses prophetically its call as a first-response people in times of emergency.

Run with the Horses

Do you have a dream or vision you would like to record on canvas? Does your church or group have a purpose or revelation it would like to express? If so, I would love to paint it. There is no limit on the size.

If you are interested, email me at janice@jvcArtworks.com to discuss your desired artwork. To view other commissioned pieces click here

Favorites in the Gallery

Love is AllBorn from Above

Supernatural Stories

I never want to stop painting when I receive emails like this:

"Janice, I'm always so excited to receive your emails, especially this one! As I admired the Portals of PraiseBreathing Underwater I was glued to the next picture of Breathing Underwater.The Lord gave me that dream 3 nights ago, where I went under the water and the Lord told me to open my eyes and start breathing. I was like uh oh I can't breath underwater without drowning, but I did it anyway and what a weird, cool and glorious experience all at the same time. I will have to buy that one for sure next time you come out to Franklin...Keep up the incredible work, you are blessed, and a blessing!"


Janice VanCronkhite
JVC Artworks


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