Me? A creative genius? A talented artist? I wish! Well, you may be closer to it than you ever imagined. New science is proving that geniuses are made, not born, and that talent is far more a developmental process turned on and off by our surroundings than a genetic thing that some have and some don't.That means that our intelligence, personalities, talents and creative abilities are greatly determined by the lives we lead and what we believe about ourselves. | Believe |
Since we are made in the Creator's image, it makes sense that each of us is born creative and everything we put our hands to should be done in a creative manner with excellence. It's our own lack of faith in ourselves that keeps us from growing. It's believing the lies we tell ourselves and hear from others that cause our talents and abilities to stagnate and remain undeveloped. Over the years that I have painted in conferences | Creator of All |
and spoken with individuals at my workshops and conferences, I have seen how deep the lies go in so many people.That's why I take a large portion of my time during these to hone in on the kinds of lies that stifle us and then pray for breakthrough and release in these areas. I again witnessed the changes that happen when lies and fears are confronted. Another group of budding artists left my studio yesterday after the April retreat. I loved watching them grow over the past three days and receive lots of breakthrough in their creative journey. Their shining faces reflected the freedom they had found. What you believe about your talents and abilities will either be your greatest hindrance or your greatest boost into a supernatural explosion of His creativity being released in your life. |