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Spiritual Art - Prophetic Art

In the beginning God created.  He continues to create and we, as His greatest creations,  have inherited His DNA.    Within us is a continual desire to be creators too.  God speaks to us in many ways and through prophetic art  we can see and feel the heart of God that brings hope, life and encouragement.

Prophetic art is not merely a pleasing picture but is a life-generating source from the eternal Source. It has the ability to strengthen, heal, deliver and comfort the beholder.  The colors and brushstrokes prophesy God’s word to us fresh and new every day and bring people into His very presence.

When I'm in the midst of an atmosphere of worship, I begin to hear and feel in my spirit the prophetic words and life-changing message that God wants to convey.  Heavenly revelation takes form and  each color has spiritual significance.  Dreams and visions take shape on the canvas to convey God's heart for His people. A picture paints a thousand words and the painting becomes a living testimony of God's love. 

Janice VanCronkhite is an accomplished artist in the United States of America who specializes in spiritual art and prophetic art.

Untitled Document

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