![]() That was the invitation that transformed and changed the focus of the life of artist Janice VanCronkhite. Soon something amazing happened. God began flooding her with supernatural creativity and accentuating portals into heavenly realms of color, light, and design. This fresh outflow allowed Janice to begin imparting a release of creativity into others as she spoke and painted in workshops and conferences across the United States. Now she is taking creative impartation to a more in-depth and intimate level in her retreats at two “magical” locations: FireCreek Mountain in Burnsville, North Carolina and Diamonds on the Lake, her studio gallery on beautiful Lake Oconee in White Plains, Georgia. There she helps others reach their own imaginative pinnacle by tearing down the walls that have kept them from exploring their own artistic journey of heavenly creativity. Janice is recognized for her bold energy on stage creating (painting), speaking and challenging the Church to be released into the fullness and anointing of God’s intended creativity. In the end, her desire is to see His love and supernatural power exhibited through every kind of earthly artistic medium. Why is art so important to you? God is so creative and He is creating fresh daily. He invites us to be creative with Him. Our ministry has long proclaimed fresh outpouring of sounds and colors, words and movements that reflect the fresh downloads of revelation and creativity from heaven. Art is a means of putting the very heart of God in a form that has a universal language that brings life and hope and inspiration. In my painting I can actually see the creativity of vortexes and portals that allow supernatural transactions of God's love and His desiring to fellowship with His people.
I believe my art is an extension of God's creative love and His desire to speak prophetically to all people. He says He pours out His Spirit on all peoples. I have been told that my art is a form of the prophetic message from God that will last in the memories of the one gazing upon it far longer than a prophetic word will be remembered. My artwork, whether in someone's home or office, church or ministry, is a daily visual reminder of God's creativity and His desire to speak to us moment by moment. What do you mean when you say you hear from God? How does God speak to you? He speaks in dreams, visions, pictures and thoughts. Just like giving a prophetic word when you only have a small piece of it, sometimes I am given just a little and by being faithful in that little bit on the canvas, He gives me the rest that completes the prophetic message. What are your favorite stories of people's lives being changed by your art? First, when there is an open door for me to share about creativity and then I am allowed to release it in meetings, God really moves on those hungry for more. One lady asked for prayer because she was a worshipper who hadn't written a song in five years. She excitedly came to me the next morning with her new song. Another lady had a spirit of fear of man that prohibited her from dancing. After prayer she was not only dancing with freedom but on the microphone releasing it over the church. Some have wept uncontrollably while looking at the art as the Lord reveals His heart for them. |